Sunday, May 22, 2011

God's Handpainted Sunsets...

This morning when we awoke, we fully expected that we might be snowed in. The snow yesterday was awesome! Big, fat soft flakes that coated the ground and everything else. We accumulated somewhere between 6 and 8 inches of snow. The snow earlier that did not accumulate was probably another couple of inches. We had to...well, THEY had to sweep the snow off the slideouts before we could bring them in. The trees were raining snow and water as the snow melted when the trees were kissed by the morning sunshine. It was refreshing and beautiful all at the same time.

Once the trailer was packed up and ready, we got in the truck and began the trek to Lake Mead. Once there we got hot and changed into shorts.We had dressed for 34 degree weather in Williams and moved into 85 degree weather at Lake Mead. Our plan was to stay one night at Lake Mead and then move on to Las Vegas. Almost didn't happen. We fell in love with Lake Mead. Not only did we have a beautiful lake view, we sat out that night watching the sunset and were witness to THE MOST BEAUTIFUL colors God designed. The sunset was so beautiful that the photos look photoshopped...but they weren't.

In between arriving at Lake Mead and sitting out for sunset, we trekked to see Hoover Dam. Wow! Impressive. We saw some really beautiful architecture worked right into the rocks of the day. While Hoover Dam was nowhere near the size it was in my mind (much smaller in real life), it was still quite impressive. I fell in love with this one view of a bridge that we had driven over but couldn't see over as we drove over it, but "FABULOUS" describes it from below. I must have taken 25 pictures of this view. It shows a bridge that spans the width of the channel where the dam is located and shows a view of the water running through. A beautiful view!

At this point I have to stop and give huge kudos to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law for bringing their motorized scooter for me to use on this trip. If not for that scooter I would not have been able to go on this trip. That scooter became my legs and gave me the opportunity to be "normal." I did attract a lot of attention as people noticed that I had both feet injured...but that had nothing to do with the scooter.

After our time at Lake Mead we packed up the next morning and headed to Vegas where we would spend the next two nights.

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