Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Be or Not To Be...That's not really the question!

I'm really torn. I love sleeping until 9:00 or 9:30 daily. I love afternoon naps on the couch. I love the freedom to eat or drink what I want when I want and to go to the bathroom whenever I need to go. I looooovvvvveeee the luxury of taking a bath in the middle of the day. Don't know why, but that speaks to me in a way I can't explain. I do, however, hate being broke. Thus the dilima.

Students report back to school next week and along with that will come the need for subs. Job opportunities for me mean giving up my freedom to do whatever, whenever. It means entering a blistering hot car at the end of the day in order to come home. It means an end to boredom and a renewed beginning to a sense of purpose. It also means the additional money that I need to cover the incidentals and flexible expenses. The money to shop ahead for Christmas...to fund my trips to Winstar and Shreveport...to do whatever, whenever. Hmmmmm. Why does that phrase sound so familiar?

Either way...the start of school (and work) means fall is just around the corner. With fall will come the end of the triple digit temperatures that have hammered us for twenty straight days this summer. Oh, yeah. Now I can chill on their dime and get paid in the process. Not a bad arrangement.

Happy "Back to School!!!"


Carol said...

After this post the district I sub for and they already have me scheduled for five days...and SCHOOL HASN'T EVEN BEGUN YET!!! ::snicker::

KRiSTiN said...

Be thankful that you get a break. There is no "Summer Vaction" in Real Estate Brokerage. :/