Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm melting...

You might think that a reference to the heat. While it must be true that Satan left the door to hell open and all that heat is escaping, I wasn't really referring to the heat. Not that I am negating the impact of fourteen straight days of triple digit temperatures...I am simple referring to my diet plan.

I went to see my doctor recently because of various complaints. Among those complaints was that I have put on nearly 50lbs. since I retired in May, `08. Regardless of what diet I have pursued, I have played with gaining and losing the same 3lbs. So, enough. I admitted that I needed help. I'm tired all the time...can't find anything that fits...can't breathe in this heat...look and feel like sh*t. Doctor S suggested a nutritionist supervised diet plan. I met with her the next week.

Give me a plan...I can and will follow it. I don't cheat. Especially if there is accountability. There is. I began my diet on a Wednesday and immediately lost 2lbs. over night. I lost another 2lbs. the next day. Then, my body realized what I was doing and the weight loss slowed to a more reasonable number. I have been on the diet for 9 days now...have not cheated...and have lost 6.8lbs. Yea!! My target is 50lbs. I have a cruise to the Bahamas scheduled for Dec. 5th and I want to feel good and be able to do the activities on our excursions. Not to mention, I don't want to look like a beached whale in my swimsuit! Whatever, this time when I lose the weight I hope to learn how to transition back to regular eating...and drinking! Wish me luck! This old dog is trying to learn a new trick!!

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