Monday, February 21, 2011

What's on the menu? Family!

Left to Right: Barbara, Cathy and Carol
Daughters of: Dorothy, Mary and Jean

I had lunch today with two of my cousins, Barbara and Cathy. Why do we wait so long to get together? We have such a good time talking and reminiscing that we really should get together more often. It somehow comforts my spirit to get together and discuss each of our mothers and what we remember about the Whatley family. We have vowed to organize another family reunion and I vow to get to work on that right away. I always leave them with the best of intentions to get together again soon, but then life intervenes and...The older I get the more I feel a hunger to touch base with my roots occasionally. My mom and brother are gone and Daddy is 82. In the not too distant future my original nuclear family will be gone. These family members are the only ones who will be left that shared my childhood with me...that knew me when...that share my memories and my heritage. I don't want to lose them.

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