Friday, September 17, 2010

The straw that broke the camel's back or the step that broke my foot?

Well, I'm a bit discouraged right now. No, I'm a lot discouraged. See, I have had this problem with first my left foot breaking and then my right. I totally understand why the left foot broke. I participated in the Susan G. Komen 60 mile 3-Day Event in Dallas last year. After 38 miles I had stress fractures. No big weeks in a fracture boot and it's all good. Except it's not. Took that stinkin' foot 6 months to heal where it no longer hurt when I walked. Then in mid-July I broke the metatarsal bone (one leading to the toe) on the baby toe of my right foot. Okay...six more weeks in the fracture boot. By this time the boot is wearing out and I'm having to hold it together with extra velcro. This time the boot came off on Labor Day. To be clear, that's Monday, September 5, 2010. On Wednesday morning (two days later) my foot started hurting again...but not in the same place. I figured it's just the transition back to shoes. Well, the pain went on for two weeks before I went back to the doctor. He said, "I think you've torn a tendon. But you need to see a specialist." So, today I left work early and headed to see Dr. Steven Branchau, a foot and ankle specialist. I LOVE him!! He is so friendly and personable. Really easy to talk to and doesn't throw doctor speak at you. Yep, you guessed it. ANOTHER broken metatarsal. This time it's the second little piggie...the one next to the big toe. The bottom line is that my metatarsal bone leading to my big toe has shifted away from the other bones and is no longer providing the support they need. Those bones just roll and move around when I walk now. Dr. Branchau said it's like a piece of wire. Bend it back and forth enough and it's going to break. Every step I take bends those bones. So, as I sit her now in pain from the manipulation and positions I had to put my foot in for x-rays, I am in a "soft cast" and an "unna boot." Basically that means I am in a cast to the ankle that firms up but remains flexible so my ankle can bend. On top of that is an ace wrap. On top of that is a giant, ugly black post-op velcro shoe. After a couple of weeks in this we will decide whether to stay with this or go back to the boot. I HATE the boot and am never going back to it if I have my say. As to the future...looks like orthotic inserts in my shoes may keep me from having to have surgery. Yea for no surgery!!

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