Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Question...

Really, the song says it all. By Christian singer Mark Schultz, the song is called "Time That is Left."

What will you do with the time that's left?
Will you live it all with no regret?
Will they say that you loved till your final breath?
What will you do with the time that's left?

What will you do with the time that's passed?
Oh, and all the pain that seems to last?
Can you give it to Jesus and not look back?
What will you do with the time that's passed?

What will they say when your time has come
And He takes you in to His arms of love?
With tears in His eyes will He say, "Well done."
What will they say when your time has come?

I have regrets...who doesn't? But the thought of consciously living a life of no regret is liberating. That will be one of my goals. Think before I act or speak so that I enjoy a full and rewarding life of no regret.

Will they say that I loved till my final breath? Dear Lord, I hope so. I do love...dearly and deeply. My other grandson to extended friends. Thinking about it...there is really no one in my life that I detest. I am blessed.

What will I do with the pain of the past? I can easily give it to's the not looking back part that I struggle with. If I was Lot's wife I would already be a pillar of salt!! The best that I can do is try.

What will they say when my time has come? Therein lies the question of a lifetime...literally. I pray that they, whoever they are, will say that I was compassionate, loving, charitable, a true friend, honest, a person of integrity and someone they were proud of...someone they loved. Just recently I had a conversation with my grandson and he said, "You're my best Nana ever. I'm always proud of you, Nana." There is no higher praise here on earth. That is a high calling to which I have a tremendous responsibility to maintain. When I get to Heaven, I pray for Christ to look me in the eye and say, "Well done."

Now, to live my life that way from this point forward....